Browsing Tag

Operation Dagger

  • Bee Pollen by Luke Whearty found at The Pouring Tales

    Bee Pollen by Luke Whearty

    60 cl Rye 60 cl Bourbon 20 cl Gomme 60g Bee Pollen 1 cl Abbotts 1 cl Angostura Combine all ingredients and vacuum seal in vacuum bag. ‘Cook’ Sous Vide for…

  • Hot & Cold by Luke Whearty found at The Pouring Tales

    Hot & Cold by Luke Whearty

    3 cl Lavender & Pineapple Tequila 2 cl Agave nectar 3 x fresh pineapple wedges 2 x fresh lime wedges Muddle pineapple and lime in the bottom of shaker Add all…

  • Applebush by Luke Whearty found at The Pouring Tales

    Applebush by Luke Whearty

    8 cl Red Apple Juice 4 cl Apple Brandy 25 g Apple Bush Tea Heat Red Apple Juice and Apple brandy on induction to 80 degrees celcius. Pour slowly over apple…