Browsing Tag


  • Patriota by Laura Marnich found at The Pouring Tales 1

    Patriota by Laura Marnich

    2 bar spoons Castor sugar (stirred with a drop of coffee = 0.5 cl) 2 cl Coffee 1 cl Fernet Barnca Menta, 1 cl Mozart Gold chocolate cream 4.5 cl Bacardi Carta…

  • El Valiente by David Bandak found at The Pouring Tales 3

    El Valiente by David Bandak

    5 cl Bacardi Carta Blanca 1 cl Martini Riserva Ambrato 1 cl Crème de violet 1 cl Roses Lime 0,25 cl Sugar Syrup Method: Stir & strain Glassware: Martini Cocktail Glass…