4.5 cl Cognac1.5 cl Local coffee liqueur (Quick Brown Fox)0.75 cl Maple syrup2 dashes Angostura bitters Method: StirredGlassware: TumblerGarnish: Orange twist Image: ©Caretaker Go to Alastair’s Portrait…
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My Life I was born in Hull, in the UK, and grew up in a vicarage in Orchard Park, I believe the open-door policy of our house and the wider community…
2.5 cl Sweet Vermouth 2.5 cl Dry Vermouth 1.5 cl Amontillado Sherry 1.5 cl Manzanilla Sherry 0.5 cl Vanilla Syrup 5 Dash Orange Bitters.…
5 cl Skipper Demerara Rum 0.5 cl Vieille Prune 2 cl Lemon Juice 1.5 cl Ginger Juice 1.5 cl Honey Syrup Method: Shaken and strained Glassware: Highball Garnish: Lemon wedge Subrecipe…