One of the must see bars when heading in the CBD area of Sydney. They are all very close by, Bulletin place, Palmer and of course The Lobo Plantation. An homage to Julio Lobo, the Sugar King of Havana. Lobo was considered the most powerful sugar broker in the world.

The place gets busy
Everything in here is done with style and attention to detail especially when it comes to how the staff is dressed and the interior of the place. Red leather chairs, a tasteful tapestry and carpet. White ceiling with ornaments and some green plants to set the scene. One might think the plants are for the oxygen as the place fills up very quickly and gets rather loud. No need to put on music as you would not hear it and the fight for a table can get strenuous at times. The staff remains very friendly though and goes out of the way to make you feel comfortable. When you sit down and you take a deep breath and look around you realize there is much more to discover. One really feels like in the Cuban mansion of Julio Lobo. Antiques in vitrines and Napoleonic memorabilia all over the place. During his lifetime, Julio Lobo acquired the largest collection of Napoleonic memorabilia outside of France. Old lamps and candles make you feel cosy in the lively atmosphere and all you want to do is sip on one of the 250 rums or order a Tiki cocktail. The menu offers something for everybody but when there is Tiki, I am hard to convince to drink something else, especially when it is hot outside.
Images: ©The Lobo Plantation
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